19 Oct 2024
Thursday 19 July 2018 - 15:21
Story Code : 312725

'The EU and US are playing good cop/bad cop with Iran'- Analyst

Sputnik - Washington rejected the EU appeal to grant exemptions from its sanctions against Iran. In a letter to the European nations, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that Washington wants to exert maximum pressure on Iran. However, he added that the exemptions would only be made if they benefitted US national security.

Sputnik discussed this withSeyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm, a political analyst and professor atthe Fars Media Faculty ofthe Applied Sciences University.

Sputnik: In your view, how can Washington's refusal togrant the EU exemptions forIranian sanctions impact US-EU relations?

Seyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm:The Europeans, and not just the Europeans, any party that signs a treaty, especially if it's the most important treaty ofthe century, then it brings you some responsibility. When countries put their signatures downunder an agreement, then they need tocome comply withtheir undertakings, otherwise they are perceived asa country that has not known the boundary ofits power or it has been dishonest right fromthe beginning.

In other words, in2004 and 2005 Iran signed tripple agreements withthree European nations, and afterIran complied fully withthose agreements formonths, more thana year actually, the Europeans stated that they could not comply withtheir undertakings because ofUS opposition, and aswith that case over12 years ago. 13 years ago they came torealize the boundaries oftheir power, so this is not the case. That's why the second angle, the second possibility could be our response. That is tosay that Europeans knew the boundaries oftheir power, butthey very dishonestly started putting their signatures inthose agreements, especially underthe nuclear agreement betweenIran and the six world powers, because they're teaming upwith the US forfuture parts ofthe scenario. In other words, now the EU is not standing upto the US asit might seem. They are actually playing the bad cop-good cop, and they are the good cop.

The US is pressuring Tehran tocomply with12 demands; that means surrendering tothe United States throughdiplomacy and talks. However, the Europeans are asking Tehran tocomply withother demands, withsome three or four demands which concern Iran's missile industry, toIran's regional power, and tothe future ofIran's nuclear industries. So that means that they're outplaying the good cop and they intend togive Iran aslittle aspossible inorder toforce Tehran torenegotiate forthe same tokens and concessions that Iran was supposed toreceive underthe deal the nuclear deal. But this time there are similar deals overits other power components, that include its missile industry and regional influence. So what we see is just a game betweenthe United States and the EU againstIran.

Sputnik: Do you think that we're going tosee a complete dissolution ofthe Iran nuclear treaty?

Seyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm:As a matter offact, the Europeans have been asked byTehran tocomply witha number ofconditions that Tehran has raised. These are the same conditions that've been underthe nuclear deal and these conditions are only a small part ofthe merits that were supposed tobe given toTehran underthe nuclear deal. Now these include the insured supply ofIranian energy supplies, aswell astransferring ofmoney back toTehran.

If they comply withthese demands, Tehran will surely continue the deal, otherwise Iran would withdraw fromthe deal and resume all its halted nuclear activities to [perform] uranium enrichment ata much higher pace, witha new generation centrifuge machine that Iran has developed underthe nuclear deal. It was entitled toconduct research forits new generation ofcentrifuge machines, butit needs the Europeans tocomply withIran's demands.

They have already stated that their large companies are making some investments inIran. Actually, they have been stating that they could not force their large companies tomake these investments inIran because ofUS sanctions. Therefore, it is believed that Iran would have no other option butto look tothe East fora second time now, this time it needs toexpand its corporation and work onjoint investments withsuch countries asChina and Russia.

It's widely believed that if Iran succeeds instopping the United States' hawkish policies it could also be a major win forthe Chinese and forthe Russians aswell. So Iran is faced withthis option. It could earn more throughworking withthe Eastern states and other powers likeRussia and China throughthe continuation ofthis deal withthe three European states.

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