19 Oct 2024

Sputnik News- That Iran is not a free country is a self-evident truth. How could it possibly be free when it exists in the crosshairs of US imperialism?

In this respect, Iran shares the same status asVenezuela, Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, and China inother words it is one ofa select group ofcountries that do not kowtow tothe diktat of Rome. For strip away the obfuscation, the dissembling words proffered bythe usual parade ofwell fed and handsomely remunerated Western ideologues, and the only reason, the single reason that Iran is being depicted asa terrorist state inwhich human rights are non-existent, is because underits current government it refuses tobow toWashington or its vassals inwestern Europe and the region itself.

This is not tosuggest that the protests that have broken outacross Iran have no basis inlegitimate grievances. As British journalist and Middle East correspondent, Patrick Cockburn, points outin a recentarticle, grievances [in Iran] are similar tothose inother oil states where there is long-suppressed anger againstcorruption and inequality. Youth unemployment was 28.8 percent last year. The nuclear deal withthe US and other major powers in2015 reduced sanctions, buthas not produced the benefits that many expected. A 50 percent increase inthe price offuel was announced inthe budget inDecember. Egg and poultry prices recently rose by40 percent.

As night follows day, sudden price hikes ofthis magnitude are guaranteed tobring those impacted outonto the streets and understandably so. Peoples ability tosurvive, tofeed themselves and their families, is a fundamental right that any government impedes or undermines atits peril. The problem foran economy such asIrans is that while it may assert political and geopolitical independence, they exist ina neoliberal economic reality, trading ina global marketplace dominated byeconomic nostrums devised inand which emanate fromWashington.

As such, untilIran, alongwith its other dissenting counterparts, makes a decisive break withneoliberalism, which bynecessity also means breaking withthe dollar asthe international reserve currency, it will always be vulnerable toglobal economic downturns and shocks, such asoccurred back in2008. More crucially, it will be vulnerable tothe machinations ofdollar diplomacy, whether delivered viaWashington directly, or indirectly viathe IMF or World Bank. Ultimately, there can be no independence fromthe Rome untilthere is independence fromits currency.

Neoliberalism is the economic arm ofUS hegemony. Yet asan economic model it has been completely discredited asa result ofthe 2008 financial crash and ensuing global economic depression. The so-called Arab Spring of2011, which morphed intoan Arab winter withthe eruption ofSalafi-jihadism inLibya and Syria, was the product ofthis aforesaid crisis inneoliberalism. And inthe Middle East, one ofthe most serious symptoms ofthis crisis has been the very youth unemployment that has bedeviled Iran. This particular social malaise was indeed a key factor inthe tumultuous events that engulfed Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria back in2011.

Compounding Irans economic problems has been the sanctions regime imposed onit byWestern governments, led ofcourse byWashington. The much-heraldedP5+1 nuclear deal, reached in2015 betweenTehran and member states ofthe UN Security Council plus Germany, is considered tohave been the landmark achievement ofObamas foreign policy, trading the lifting ofeconomic sanctions inreturn forthe guarantee that Irans nuclear development program would remain non-military inits objectives.

But lest we lapse intoany romantic illusions when it comes toObamas tenure inthe White House, we are obliged torecall that prior tothe agreement the Obama administration had done its utmost toderail Irans nuclear program bynefarious means. US author and historian, Perry Anderson, reveals how the Obama administration launched a massive joint US-Israeli assault onIranian computer networks tocripple the development ofits nuclear programme. A blatant violation ofwhat passes forinternational law, the projection oftheStuxnet viruswas personally supervised byObama.
This episode ofUS and Israeli covert actions inIran, which also included the assassination ofIranian scientists working inthe countrys nuclear program bythe Israelis, should be borne inmind when we read various commentators dismissing outof hand allegations bythe current Iranian government ofWestern involvement inthe wave ofdemonstrations that have taken place duringthe current crisis. Too, no serious analysis ofIranian affairs today can abstract the role ofthe joint US-UK covert operation,Operation Ajax, that was mounted totopple the countrys democratically elected president, Mohammad Mossadegh, in1953 inresponse tohis decision tonationalize the countrys oil.

Replacing Mossadegh was Washington's placeman the Shah. Over the next three decades Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, togive the Iranian dictator his real name, set aboutplundering the countrys wealth forthe enrichment ofhimself and his own, whilst keeping dissenting voices incheck withhis dreaded secret police and domestic security service, known byits acronymSAVAK, whose methods were a by-word forsavagery even ina region where security services are notorious fortheir brutality. The point is that this history ofWestern imperialist intrigue inIran and its internal affairs must be factored intothe current crisis, aswell asthe overall state ofthe countrys development if we are toarrive atanything approximating toan accurate rendering.

Returning tothe P5+1 deal, rather thanthe result ofany Obamaesque reaching outto a former enemy, it was the product ofrealpolitik, recognition that Iran was just too tough a nut tocrack militarily or bydint ofeconomic sanctions, and that the received truth embraced byevery US administration sincethe Iranian revolution of1979 namely that the Islamic Republic was a mortal enemy whose overthrow and destruction was non-negotiable was no longer viable.However inDonald Trump we are dealing withprobably the most capricious US president inhistory, whose animus towardsthe Islamic Republic tothe manifest delight ofboth the Saudis and Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is all-consuming. Trump has made known his opposition tothe P5+1 deal, and athis behest, the US Treasury reintroduced sanctions againstIran, which came onstream inJuly.

he reasoning forthe new tranche ofsanctions has been given as Irans malign activities acrossthe Middle East which undermine regional stability, security, and prosperity. Iran continues tosupport terrorist groups such asHizballah (sic), Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad that threaten Israel and stability inthe Middle East. Iran has maintained its steadfast support forthe Assad regime, despiteAssads atrocities againsthis own people.

In the upside-down world that passes forreality inWashington, we are expected tobelieve that Iran is a state sponsor ofterrorism when intruth its role incombatting terrorism inthe region has been crucial. Sorry guys butsuch base and transparent solecisms simply will no do. And neither will the blatant attempt toturn the UN Security Council intoa rubber stamp ofUS foreign policy.

The day that Trumps otherworldly UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, blatantly abused the Security Council, scheduling a debate onevents inIran duringwhich she took the opportunity tounleash a barrage ofcondemnation againstthe countrys government, irony died. Fortunately, Russias UN ambassador, Vasily Nebenzya, was onhand todeliver a righteous slapdown. If your logic is tobe followed, he told Haley, Security Council meetings should have been called afterthe well-known events inFerguson, Missouri, or when violence was used againstOccupy Wall Street demonstrations onManhattan.
The views and opinions expressed inthis article are solely those ofthe author and do not necessarily reflect those ofSputnik.

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