19 Oct 2024

Sputnik - A US National Security Council (NSC) source has confirmed to Sputnik that Tel Aviv and Washington have worked out a plan to counter "malign Iranian activities." Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Mohammad Marandi, a political analyst and professor at the University of Tehran, explained why the US and Israel are so hostile towards Iran.

Sputnik: What is your take onthe so-called Iranian threat that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump are looking toconfront now? What could they be truly trying toachieve bydemonizing Iran?

Mohammad Marandi:They have always been demonizing Iran; they have always [harbored] hostility towardsthe country. When the Israeli regime occupied Lebanon and the Iranians supported the national liberation movement which ultimately led tothe creation ofHezbollah, that led tothe ultimate defeat ofthe regime and its withdrawal fromthe country. And Iran took support forPalestinian people and Iran's opposition fromthe beginning ofthe revolution toapartheid, whether inapartheid South Africa or inPalestine. That was also an enormous reason toshow antagonism towardsIran.

I think more recently, though, Israeli support forextremist groups inSyria, this was carried outalongside countries likeSaudi Arabia. Even now we see that al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front, is still [located alongside] the Syrian-Israeli border and the Israeli regime continues totreat their wounded militants. And onthat part ofthe joint border we still have ISIS (Daesh) and aswe all know the Israelis have never attacked the ISIS (Daesh) coalition alongsideits border.

So, the Israelis have been trying toweaken Syria and I think that overthe last couple ofyears withthe help ofHezbollah, Russia, Iran and othersthe gradual defeat ofthe extremist groups both inSyria and Iraqhave led toa situation where the Israelis feel weakened. But I don't think that any meetings betweenthe United States and Israel will come upwith anything new because they have been cooperating all alongalongside withSaudi Arabia formany years now.

Sputnik: The plan also aims totarget Iran's activities acrossthe Middle East. So, if implemented, what consequences could it entail forthe region inlocal conflicts?

Mohammad Marandi:Yes, this is again, I think, a very important point because it's contrary towhat we see inthe Western media, which is usually either silence or a very misleading representation. US allies inthe region, alongsidethe United States, supported ISIS [Daesh]. Even though, I still speak tosome Americans [and they express] outrage. If you look atthe Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)documentsof2012 that were partially released bythe Judicial Watch, they speak aboutthe US allies inthe region supporting the extremist groups inSyria and [they] have had the upper hand according tothat document, fromalmost the very beginning ofthe fighting. And these groups were focused onthe border line betweenSyria and Iraq.

We know that later on, those groups were named ISIS, or they called themselves even afterthat Islamic State. And the United States, according toGeneral [Michael] Flynn [former DIA director and former national security adviser toPresident Trump] who was the head ofthat organization [DIA] later inaninterviewwithAl Jazeera he admitted that the United Statestook a willful decision tosupport its allies inthe region. And there is a host ofother evidence aswell, such asWikiLeaks documents and emails whichstatedthat Saudi Arabia and others supported ISIS in2014. So then, ofcourse, we have the admission offormer US Secretary ofState [John] Kerry who had a secret meeting withSyrian opposition activists admitted that the United States allowed ISIS toadvance onDamascus inorder toput pressure onPresident Assad.

So, the United States isdeeply involved inallowing ISIS torise; they were deeply involved in, ofcourse, al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front, [] And, ofcourse, Israel, asI've pointed out, has been involved insupporting al-Qaeda and has been silent regarding the presence ofISIS onits border. So, Iran has helped the Syrian government todefeat extremist groups. Of course, the Russians, Hezbollah, all ofthese countries, all ofthese groups together [won] this victory overextremism and if Syria had fallen, withoutany doubt Iraq would had fallen.

Iraq was onthe verge offalling despitethe fact that ISIS had a large number oftroops fighting the Syrian government. If they had defeated the Syrian government, they would have sent a lot more troops intoIraq and it would have fallen. And ofcourse Lebanon would have faced a very new and dangerous situation withthese extremists. So Iran's support forthe Iraqi government and the Syrian government helped defeat these extremist groups and this is a major point ofcontention betweenIran, Israel and Saudi Arabia and, ofcourse, the United States. []

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