19 Oct 2024
Wednesday 15 November 2017 - 10:46
Story Code : 283246

US sanctions affected Iran, but not the way Washington planned

Sputnik - US sanctions imposed on Tehran following the 1979 Revolution became the catalyst for Iran's technological development, especially in the field of armaments and aviation, military analyst Seyyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm told Sputnik, arguing that Washington would have never enforced sanctions against Iran if it had known what consequences it would have.

US legacy warplanes still remain inIran's service despitedecades ofsanctions, Seyyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm, Iranian military analyst and political commentator toldSputnik Persian.
"The Americans thought that two years afterthe revolution [of 1979] inthe conditions ofwar witha neighboring country [Iraq], which was supported by37 states, Iran and its Air Force would inevitably give in," Khoshcheshm said. "But aswe can see, their calculations proved tobe wrong. This is the same now: the goals that the US wants toachieve bychanging the regime in [Tehran]cannot be compared withthose problems that could stem fromsanctions and the absence ofAmerican firms inIran."

There are a number ofUS anti-Iran sanctionsstill inforce, inparticular those concerning the country's armaments and aviation.

The Islamic Republic ofIran Air Force's aircraft are outdated, consisting ofF-4, F-5 (designed bythe US in1950s), F-7 (the Chinese analogue ofold Soviet MiG-21 aircraft produced inthe 1950s-60s), F-14, Su-20, Su-24, Su-25 and MiG-29 (the jet fighter designed inthe USSR inthe 1970s). Furthermore, many ofjets possessed bythe IRI Air Force are grounded.

The question then arises how the Islamic Republic copes withthe maintenance ofweapons underUS sanctions and why Washington refused toservice the US-made aircraft.

Khoshcheshm explained that duringthe Iran-Iraq War (1980 1988) which followed the 1979 Revolution and the severance ofdiplomatic ties betweenTehran and Washington bythen President James Carter, the US did whatever it took todisrupt Iran's efforts toget the equipment, spare parts and maintenance technology forits aircraft.
"[Washington] extended the sanctions regime [against Tehran] and forced the international community toexert further pressure Iran," the military analyst recalled. "All overthe world, Iranian pilots are known asprofessionals. However, due tothe shortage ofspare parts foraircraft, Iran faced problems while exploiting the aviation equipment."

However, the Iranians managed tofind a way throughtheir problems: the Islamic Republic began todesign and produce the spare parts they needed throughreverse engineering. According toKhoshcheshm, many spares forAmerican equipment were manufactured inIran and installed onUS-made aircraft.

The political commentator highlighted that because ofthe continuation ofsanctions, this technology was further developed. As a result, "the country, which previously could not produce even a bullet, has reached high [technological] levels, so that even the US expresses its concern overIranian missiles," he pointed out.

As forthe IRI Air Force, the Islamic Republic is currently manufacturing not only the details foraircraft maintenance butalso designing and producing its own equipment: For example, atpresent Iran is one ofonly a handful ofcountries that produce ground and airborne radars; and many ofcountry's US-made planes radars have been replaced.
The aircraft armaments have also been modernized: "This applies tolaser bombs, heavy 'smart' bombs such asthe "Qased" [a 1000 kg Iran-developed munition]," the military analyst stressed, adding that thermal guidance missiles and other aircraft weapons have also been substantially modernized inthe country.

Khoshcheshm opined that the sanctions turned outto be a catalyst fortechnological development ofthe Islamic Republic.
"Due tosanctions, Iran has achieved great results inreverse engineering,especially inthe defense industry," the commentator highlighted. "Iran has become one ofthe most developed countries inthis sector."

He pointed outthat in2011 Iran intercepted and successfully landed an American RQ-170 drone onits territory.

"Over two years an improved Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ofthat type was created, and the production ofdrones was launched," Khoshcheshm said. "The Iranian model can be used both formilitary and reconnaissance purposes, aswell asfor intercepting enemy targets, while the US [UAV] can only conduct reconnaissance."

However, according tothe commentator, manufacturing ofweapons is primarily triggered not byaccompanying economic benefits butby the strategic necessity.

"From the outset ofthe Islamic Revolution, the US tried toachieve its goals byimposing sanctions againstIran," Khoshcheshm underscored. "In fact, if the Americans knew that Iran would be able toproduce various aviation simulators and aircraft and reach the level ofdevelopment so that it would be able tocreate helicopters, including the Bell helicopter while being subjected tosanctions, they would have never imposed restrictions againstIran."


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