19 Oct 2024
Tuesday 26 September 2017 - 09:25
Story Code : 277236

US shooting itself in the foot by targeting Russia, China, Iran

Sputnik - Instead of embracing a new multi-polar reality the US establishment is stuck in a Cold War mentality and continues to fight against what it perceives as a challenge to the US Empire's dominance, US commentator Earl Rasmussen told Radio Sputnik, warning that by imposing sanctions against Russia, Iran or China, the US might finally isolate itself.

While Russia and China are pushing the world towarda multi-polar environment, there is stiff resistance frommany inthe US, Earl Rasmussen, Executive Vice President ofthe Eurasia Center, a non-profit organization, told Radio Sputnik.
As a result, "we [the US] are starting toisolate ourselves, unintentionally," Rasmussen warned.

Instead ofimproving economic conditions aroundthe world and establishing peace and stability, Washington is imposing sanctions onRussia, China and Iran, thus blocking US companies fromcompeting withtheir Eurasian peers, the scholar noted.

Additionally, the US' assertive foreign policy has forced the global players toseek "other financial mechanisms" thanthe dollar-denominated trade.
According tothe scholar, the crux ofthe matter is that inthe eyes ofthe American foreign policy establishment China and Russia are "challenging the dominance ofthe US Empire."

While the US had managed toinvade Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Washington's Syria plans were disrupted when Russia stepped into support the legitimate Syrian government inits fight againstterrorism.

On the other hand, Ukraine's NATO bid has long remained an apple ofdiscord betweenMoscow and Washington, the scholar said, adding that the Ukrainian NATO membership would have helped the US topush the Russian Navy outof the Black Sea.

Given this, the Kremlin's reaction tothe coup d'etat which took place inFebruary 2014 inUkraine was predictable, he noted.
"[An empire] is exactly what we've become withover 700 military bases worldwide," he noted, raising the question whether these bases are really aimed atdefending the US mainland, democracy or the American way oflife.

Furthermore, many inthe US Congress remain stuck witha Cold War mindset: "We've got congressmen who still refer toRussia asthe Soviet Union," Rasmussen remarked.

Attempts toShut Up Alternative Narrative a Blow toDemocracy

In this context it is hardly surprising that some US lawmakers are seeking tocrackdown onRussian media outlets, which, according toRasmussen, sometimes "seem tobe much more intouch withthe American public" thanthe US mainstream media.
The attempts tosilence the alternative narrative "are very dangerous forthe world and fordemocracy," the scholar believes, insisting that those who are pushing ahead withthis strategy are going downthe wrong path.

Previously, three Democratic congressmen wrote alettertothe Federal Communications Commission calling foran investigation intoRadio Sputnik's alleged interference inthe US 2016 presidential elections.

Referring toThe New York Times'report"RT, Sputnik and Russia's New Theory ofWar," the three lawmakers assumed that "a radio network funded bythe Russian government [Radio Sputnik] may have used US airwaves toinfluence the 2016 presidential election."

However, the assumption cannot hold water given the fact that the broadcaster went onthe air onthe 105.5 FM frequency inWashington onJuly 1, 2017, almost eight months afterthe vote.

Commenting onthe issue, Sputnik and RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan noted: "To accuse a radio [station] which started broadcasting two months ago ofinterfering inlast years' election isthe 'newest intellectual height'reached bythe US establishment."
"These allegations are a complete provocation," Rasmussen told Radio Sputnik, echoing Simonyan.

For his part, Argentine political scientist Atilio Boron told Sputnik Mundo that "to say that two news agencies could have manipulated American public opinion" appears tohim tobe "real nonsense."

According toBoron, the narrative spread bythe US mainstream media is nothing butan "insult tothe American nation's intelligence."

Moscow has repeatedly denied the allegations ofRussia's interference inthe US 2016 presidential elections, stressing that it does not meddle inthe internal affairs ofother countries.

It is not the first time Washington has targeted Russian news agencies.

On September 11, RT America channel's services provider inthe US received a letter fromthe US Department ofJustice demanding that the company should register underthe Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The same day it was reported thatthe FBI had questioned former Sputnik employee Andrew Feinbergaspart ofthe investigation ofreports that the news outlet allegedly acted asa Russian propaganda agency inviolation ofFARA.

It was claimed that the FBI had access toSputnik's working correspondence fromFeinberg and another former employee ofSputnik's Washington bureau, Joseph John Fionda. The FBI itself has not responded toSputnik's inquiry onwhether it was conducting an investigation intothe news agency.

In response, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denounced the move ascontradicting pluralism and freedom ofthe press, while Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova highlighted that Moscow"reserves the right torespondtothe outrageous actions ofthe American side."

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