19 Oct 2024
Saturday 29 July 2017 - 18:28
Story Code : 270244

Global reactions to Iran space rocket test

IRNA Iran's launching of its newly-developed satellite carrier, nicknamed Simorgh, into the space has caused different reactions across the globe.

Many praised the forward-moving Iranian space programs while some claimed the experiment was a violation of the Iran-G5+1 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Some media outlets considered US new sanctions on Iran and Russia in line with the Iranian missile program and warned against US-Iran confrontation.

Some referred to the US Department of State's reaction to the experiment.

'Iran has again demonstrated activity inconsistent with UN Security Council Resolution 2231', while Iran has only been 'called upon' not to conduct such rocket and missile tests in the resolution, The US Department of State wrote.

The US government has twice admitted that Iran's nuclear program is not military-oriented and the country has been committed to its JCPOA obligations.

Yet, Washington has recently put 18 Iranian individuals and companies on its new sanctions list.

America's Fox News television channel was among US news outlets that tried to portray a negative image of Iran's testfire of a new satellite carrier rocket.

Quoting two senior US officials, Fox News described the experiment as a failure and called it a 'dud'.

On Thursday, US Strategic Command, which monitors launches around the world, could only confirm 'a satellite was not deployed from the rocket'.

Claiming the Simorgh rocket is based on a North Korean design, Fox news wrote the technology used to put a satellite into space could also be repurposed to make a long-range ballistic missile.

While State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said that Iran's attempted rocket launch succeeded in violating United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, the technology used for launching space rockets is different from the technology used for launching long-range missiles.

Washington Examiner, on the other hand, said the launch was 'a major warning sign', and suggested that Washington should have a clandestine plan to disrupt Iranian missile program.

'We consider that to be continued ballistic missile development,' State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters on Thursday.

'We consider this to be provocative action,' she said.

However, the New York Times seemed to take a different approach by saying, 'Such tests of what are essentially carrier rockets are not prohibited under the landmark 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and a group of six world powers including the United States.'

Mac Thornberry, the Texas Republican MP told Fox News that Iran by doing such tests is doing the same thing North Korea did to improve its missiles.

'We saw this pattern with North Korea program; they would have launches that they said were peaceful space launches. What they were really doing was improving their missile program' and 'The Iranians have been doing the same thing,' he said.

The media in Europe also reacted to Iran's test of a satellite carrier.

Novosti and Peravdo newspapers in Belgrade, Serbia, wrote that it was a successful experiment. And Serbian TV channels, especially B92, vastly covered the event.

The Italian News Agency (ANSA) wrote that Iran has successfully tested a space rocket, while other Italian media also covered news on the issue.

Displaying the video of the rocket being shot, Sky News wrote that the US is not happy with the experiment and calls it provocative and against the UNSC Resolution 2231.

The media in the region, including those in Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkey and Algeria, also vastly covered the news and called it a success.

Permanent Representative and Ambassador of China to the United Nations and the current President of the UN Security Council Liu Jieyi said that the experiment was not 'within the scope' of the 2015 nuclear agreement.

'I think what's important is that the agreement continues to be implemented and all the sides make constructive efforts to resolve whatever issues that still exist, and to completely and comprehensively implement the agreement,' Jieyi said.

In southeast Asia, launch of the Iranian rocket, Simorgh also received coverage, with Channel News Asia writing, 'Iran on Thursday (July 27) 'successfully' tested a satellite-launch rocket, days after warning Washington of a response to new US sanctions over the Islamic Republic's ballistic missile program.'

Media outlets in Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia also covered the 'successful' launch of the Iranian space rocket.
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