19 Oct 2024
Sputnik - On Friday, India and Pakistan were formally inducted as the newest members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the first-ever expansion of the six-member group. Russia actively backs Iran's membership in the block. Sputnik interviewed a number of experts, who explained why the organization and Iran, in fact, need each other.

India and Pakistan have been formally inducted asthe newest members ofthe Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) atthe annual summit ofthe block, which wrapped upon Friday inAstana, Kazakhstan.

The SCO is a political, military and economic alliance betweenRussia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Belarus, Mongolia, Iran, Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan hold observer status inthe organization, while Azerbaijan,
Cambodia, Armenia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka hold the status ofdialogue partners.

Russia also backs Tehran's bid forpermanent membership inthe block. Russian and Iranian experts, interviewed bySputnik Persian, noted that SCO is a unique platform formutually beneficial balances. The integration ofsuch a strong regional player asIran opens vast prospects forbetter security forboth. Both Tehran and the SCO could collectively stand upto existing threats inthe best interests ofpeace and development, not only inthe region butfar beyondthe territory ofthe SCO.

Alexander Sharov, Deputy Head ofIranian Department atSCO Business Club, CEO ofGK "RusIranEkspo" and "Khimtrans" told Sputnik that Iran has been knocking atthe SCO's door fora long time.

"Iran applied formembership inthe SCO back in2011 when it was very eager tobecome a full-fledged member ofthis organization. But then there were hurdles overthe anti-Iranian sanctions imposed byUN and a number ofpreconditions put forward byother member states. Apart fromRussia and China, there are other members and there is a need fora collective decision onthe issue," he told Sputnik.

Back in2012, he said, the SCO opened its Business Club inTehran, which has proven tobe a success. However Iran's interest has noticeably cooled downsince then, he said. Additionally, the country had certain hopes forPresident Rouhani, who wanted toplug Iran intothe western globalization process.
However, Iran now sees foritself, the expert said, that the West is a closed system which does not accept any newcomers, neither onits merits nor the size ofits assets, nor onany other ground.

Thus Iran is turning back tothe SCO once again, aswell asto other organizations inEurasia, he said.
China also supports Iran's membership inthe SCO, and when Tehran becomes a permanent member ofthe block, it will open uplarge opportunities forthe transport logistics ofChina's New Silk Road project, aswell asother transport routes, such asthe North-South Transport Corridor fromIndia intoRussia and further intoEurope.

It will also provide new opportunities forsecurity, Sharov said. There are threats which are common forall the members ofthe organization, such asterrorism. By uniting efforts, all the member states could stop this threat, which is coming fromthe Middle East.

Meanwhile, Irans Minister ofInformation and Communication Technology Mahmoud Vaezi voiced Iran's interest inthe organization. During the 21st St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF 2017) he said that Iran is able toplay a more effective role inthe SCO.

Dr. Mahmoud Shuri, senior researcher atthe Department ofRussian studies atthe Institute forthe study ofIran and Eurasia (IRAS), a member ofthe Scientific Council ofthe Institute also thinks that Iran's integration withina regional alliance ofsuch strong countries, can become a guarantor ofstability and security inthe region.

"There has been a long discussion onIran's full-fledged membership inthe SCO. Tehran's application has not been considered due tocertain reasons. Nonetheless, last year it was announced that when the process ofaccession ofIndia and Pakistan is over, it will be Iran's turn," Dr Mahmoud Shuri told Sputnik.
Iran's accession tothe SCO will become a guarantor ofthe stability and security ofthe member states ofthe organization, he said. Iran has a profound experience inthe fight againstterrorism and is able tohelp the SCO member states increase security intheir countries. Iran, inturn, will be able toexpand its cooperation withsuch strong member states asRussia and China, the expert said.

Meanwhile, Sputnik China interviewed a number ofexperts onChina's support ofthe Iranian bid.
Russian political analyst and head ofthe Middle East-Caucasus think-tank Stanislav Tarasov noted that Beijing decided toactivate its support ofTehran inthe wake ofthe recent One Belt, One Road Forum inChina, which was marred bya high-profile boycott byIndia.

Iran, however, is also becoming a zone ofincreased risk forthe One Belt, One Road project, the expert said.
"Iran might also fall outof the project due tothe aggravation ofthe situation inthe region, while the US has appointed it asits major enemy. It means that Iran has all the chances toturn intoa potential battlefield, intoa potential destabilization zone," he told Sputnik.

It is highly risky toinvest insuch a zone, he further noted. China will be unable tosolve Iran's problem onits own, withoutany support, hence SCO authority becomes a great opportunity tomaintain stability inthe Middle East.

Beijing, Tarasov said, will try toexploit the SCO format inits geopolitical interests and forthe practical implementation ofits global One Belt, One Road project.

The SCO will get a very serious regional player withhuge potential, the expert said. China will lobby its interests inthe SCO while strengthening its influence inthe Middle East. Iran, inturn, will get Russia and China asits main supporters butwill continue playing its own card, given certain nuances inthe Russian-Iranian relationship.

Thus, the expert said, Russia should come upwith such a diplomatic move tobe able toconvert its traditional ties withIran intothe expanded trade-economic cooperation and additional investments fromIran throughthe SCO.

Irina Fedorova, a senior analyst atthe Russian Academy ofSciences' Center forMiddle Eastern and Oriental Studies noted toSputnik that even though Russia and China are interested inIran's membership inthe SCO, the bid might face certain hurdles.

"The fact ofthe matter is whether Russia and China have enough influence onthe permanent members ofthe SCO," she said.
The expert further elaborated that another member ofthe organization, Tajikistan, is being greatly influenced bySaudi Arabia. Tajik authorities repeatedly voiced their rejection ofIran's growing cultural influence ontheir country and called forthe restriction ofthe activities of Iran's numerous religious centers operating inTajikistan.

The Islamic Renaissance Party ofTajikistan, which is banned inTajikistan, she said, has recently been invited toIran tothe meeting ofthe leaders ofthe Islamic state, which has caused sharp discontent inTajikistan, the expert noted.

Iran, Fedorova said, has certain discrepancies not only withTajikistan, butwith Pakistan aswell. Iran thinks Pakistan is not very active infighting againstBaluchi militants' organizations which are operating inboth countries. Their terrorist attacks constantly mar the bilateral relations betweenthe two countries, the expert said.
Thus Iran, she suggested, would be interested inChina using its influence insetting relations betweenthe two countries, butChina's abilities are not limitless, she said.

Meanwhile Ji Kaiyun, an expert atthe Center forIranian Studies atthe Chinese Southwest University, noted that Iran is located betweenWestern, Southern and Central Asia and serves asa bridge betweenAsia and Europe, alongChina's projected New Silk Route.

Thus Iran's accession intothe SCO can strengthen ties betweenCentral and Western Asia and connect the ground and naval routes ofthe New Silk Route.

Besides, the expert said, Iran is part ofthe Islamic world and has a very strong language and culture. For the last 30 years it remains the most secure and stable country inthe Middle East. Additionally it is the closest neighbor ofAfghanistan, one ofthe major sources ofdrug production and drug trafficking inthe world.
Its accession tothe SCO will play an irreplaceable role inthe fight againstdrug production and drug trafficking and incombatting terrorism, separatism and extremism, the expert said.

Iran's membership inthe SCO will contribute tocreation ofa communicative line betweenSouthern and Western Asia, he said, inthe creation ofthe infrastructure ofthe New Silk Route. Which will bring high dividends both toIran and SCO member states, he concluded.
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