19 Oct 2024
Sputnik News- Russian, Syrian and Iranian foreign ministers held a trilateral meeting in Moscow on Friday to discuss issues surrounding the settlement and resolution of the Syrian conflict.

The meeting was carried outa week afterthe reported chemical weapons incident inthe province ofIdlib and subsequent US cruise missile strike againstthe Ash Shairat airbase.

The suspected chemical weapons incident inSyria's northwestern province onApril 4 claimed dozens oflives, including those ofchildren. Blaming the attack onSyria's President Bashar Assad, the United States launched a cruise missile attack onthe government airfield inSyria's Homs province overnight onApril 6, which left atleast two civilians froma nearby village and five Syrian servicemen dead, according toHoms Governor Talal Barazi.

The Syrian government has denied using chemical weapons againstits own people and stated it did not possess such weapons.

'Strong Message'

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem called the trilateral meeting a "strong message" afterthe US missile strike onthe airfield.

"This meeting is a strong message afterthe US aggression inSyria," Muallem told reporters.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that all participants ofthe meeting agreed that the US strike was "an act ofaggression, a flagrant violation ofthe principles ofinternational law and the UN Charter."
The Russian diplomat went onto say that Russia, Iran and Syria had jointly insisted that the United States and its allies respect Syrian sovereignty.

"We will insist onthe strict fulfillment byall withoutexception ofthose obligations set forth inthe UN Security Council resolution, including full respect forthe sovereignty and territorial integrity ofthe Syrian Arab Republic," Lavrov said.

He asserted that attempts tooverthrow the Syrian government embodied inlast weeks missile attack onthe airbase would fail.

Resistance Against Probing Idlib Chemical Attack

Lavrov said that Russias proposal onconducting a comprehensive, independent investigation onthe circumstances surrounding the Idlib attack was being met withresistance.
"We feel resistance tothe proposal toconduct an independent, objective investigation, which was demonstrated yesterday ata special session ofthe Executive Council ofthe Organization forthe Prohibition ofChemical Weapons," the minister said.

He pointed outthat those who were creating obstacles forthe investigation must have something tohide.

"Attempts toblock the proposals ofRussia and Iran toestablish an independent commission toconduct an impartial, objective investigation only indicate that those, who are trying todo so have a bad conscience," Lavrov said.

He continued tonote that there existed evidence which proved that the Idlib incident had been staged.

"There is growing evidence that this was staged, meaning the incident withthe use ofchemical weapons inIdlib province," Lavrov said.
Citing an expert opinion, Russia's top diplomat stated that "there are too many inconsistencies, discrepancies inthe version used tojustify the April 7 aggressive action."

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that chemical weapons could not be used asan excuse tocarry outany action againstthe sovereignty or territorial integrity ofan independent state.

"The use ofchemical weapons asa pretext fortaking actions againstthe sovereignty and territorial integrity ofan independent state and a UN member is very dangerous. The international investigation is required inthis case It is necessary toprevent such actions inthe future," Zarif said.

He noted that it was important the investigation ofthe suspected attack be conducted atthe scene ofthe incident, rather thanabroad.

"It is not possible toinvestigate this issue remotely. It must be investigated onthe ground. When onApril 4, Syria was accused, we have immediately demanded an investigation, we must establish the fact. Unfortunately, the United States took an aggression even beforethe investigation. Thus they did not want the fact tobe established. And they wanted touse it fortheir political goals. We re-emphasize that the investigation should be conducted onthe ground," Zarif told reporters.

What Will Follow Next?

Zarif said that all parties tothe meeting agreed toboost cooperation onSyria, specifically infighting terrorism, reestablishing the country's political process and conducting an investigation ofthe Idlib incident.
"We shall increase the level ofcooperation onthe international level. The first track is the investigation ofhis act, ofthis incident The second, international cooperation onfighting terrorism and extremism The third direction is restoration ofthe political plan," Zarif said aftertalks withMuallem and Lavrov inMoscow.

According toLavrov, the parties also discussed preparations fornew Syrian crisis reconciliation talks inAstana, which are scheduled fornext month.

"We assign an important role inour efforts tothe Astana platform, which also stimulated the Geneva process, and we discussed preparations forthe next meeting inAstana," Lavrov said.

The Russian foreign minister said the Astana talks inMay would be preceded byRussian, Iranian and Turkish expert consultations inTehran next week.
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