19 Oct 2024
Sunday 25 September 2016 - 17:12
Story Code : 232604

Syria and imperialism's war on self-determination

US Ambassador to the UN and well-known warmonger Samantha Power relentlessly blamed Russia for the US coalition airstrikes that killed 62 Syrian soldiers. Sheaccused Russia of "grandstanding" and diverting attention from the crimes of the "Syrian regime" for callingan emergency UN Security Council meeting after the US violated the infantceasefire agreement.

Her commentsexposed the US military state'slong time goal of regime change in Syria.The USregime change initiative in Syria is part of aglobal war on self-determination that threatens to send the planet into a World War III scenario. Last week's bombings were yet anotherheinous crime inside of a largerwar.

These bombings show quite clearly that Syria's self-determination, and not ISIS or any other terror group, is what really threatens US imperialism and its allies. US imperialism has historically sought to undermine Syria'ssecularism and Pan-Arab nationalism. The CIA has attempted to destabilizeSyria numerous times since its inception in 1947. But through struggle, Syria has built a truly independent state that is not beholden to anyone but the Syrian people. This was evidentwhen the Syrian government rejected a pipeline deal with Qatar in 2009that would have forcedSyria toplace the interests of the Qatari monarchy, Turkey, and Europe over its own.

The imperialist states, led by the US, have a long history of viewing national sovereignty as an impediment to continued economic expansion. Many establishment economists believed that the US and its imperial allies would enjoy unfettered freedom to dominate all corners of the globe after the Soviet Union fell in 1991. Yet only a decade later, the US was compelled to wage another global war in the name of terrorism. In his book, US General Wesley Clark revealed that seven countries were marked for destruction by the US after 9/11. Syria made the listalongside Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Lebanon, Iran, and Sudan.

The US made good on its word by waging ceaseless war. The expansion of war has only raised the stakes,with Russia and China increasingly finding themselves in the crosshairsof the US military state. It has also given way to an intensified driveby the US and its allies to use so-called "rebels" to achieve imperialism's aim ofdestabilization. Billions of dollars have been siphoned to so-called "jihadist militants" operating in Syria and throughout the region. Groups such as Al Nusra Front continue to commitunspeakable crimes yet are called "moderates" and given protection by the US and its allies. The coalition bombing of Deir ez-Zor is blatant proofthat the USfights terror in word butsupports itin deed.

The support of terror groups and so-called jihadist militants is part and parcel of the imperialwar on self-determination. There are two choices in this war. Oneis to stand with the imperialists that have converged on Syria. The other is to stand with the Syrian government and its allies in the progressive struggle to preserve national sovereignty and international law. American and Western minds have been poisoned by chauvinistic, racist dogma about Syria's government and people. We have been told Assad is a butcher, dictator, and atyrant,anything but Syria's rightful, democratically elected leader.

Imperial lies alter perception, not reality. The reality is thatPresident Bashar Al-Assad was voted in by almost ninety percent of all Syrians in 2014. International law mandates that Syria's sovereignty be respected with no exceptions. However, US imperialism has never respectedinternational law because it sees itselfasthe law.President Obama recently stated that the US is the only indispensable nation in the world. That means any nation or people that chooses its own path of development is dispensable in the eyes of the Commander in Chief.

The notion of indispensability applies to peoples all over the world. Black Americansoppressed within the borders of the United States have been fighting a warof their own. A movement has ignited in response to the daily murders of Black Americans at the hands of the police. The police occupation of the Black community is ultimately facilitated and protected by the same state forces waging war in Syria. The policesee Black lives as disposable in the same way that the military sees the worlds people as "collateral damage."US imperialism's war on self-determination targets any oppressed people who choose to exercise it.

There was once a period not too long ago when US imperialism's war on self-determination around the world brought benefits to a select section of workers in the US. After World War II, a number of white workers were able to advance themselves from the spoils of global war and domestic racism.Thishas changed in a significant way. Capitalism is at a dead-end.The benefits of war go exclusively to themilitary contractors and corporate executives that wage them. What hasn't changed is howhundreds of years of imperialist war have conditioned racist chauvinisminto the fabric of US society.

The war on self-determination will not stop unless people in the United States join the fight against it. The fight must be international in scope. Movements against police brutality, racism, and economic misery must join in solidarity with the Syrian people in the fight topreserve their sovereignty. If they lose, then we all lose. However, a victory for the Syrian government would be a victory for all of us who seek justice, peace, and a world where need comes before profit. Join the fight to demand the US and all of its partners eject themselves from Syria and anywhere else they rear their ugly heads.

This article was written by Danny Haiphong for American Herald Tribune on Sep. 24, 2016. Danny Haiphong is an activist and radical journalist in the Boston Area.
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