19 Oct 2024
Friday 15 July 2016 - 13:41
Story Code : 222857

Caspian Colleagues: Why Iran & Russia have common interests in the region

The Russian Foreign Ministry has indicated that it is confident that the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea can be signed by 2017. Speaking to Sputnik, Iranian political analyst Ahmad Rashidinejad suggested that Moscow and Tehran can easily reach agreement on issues in the Caspian by keeping their cooperation in other areas in mind.

On Wednesday, speaking inAstana, Kazakhstan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that the agreement onthe Caspian Sea's status may be signed inthe first half ofnext year. Lavrov made the remarks followinghis meeting withthe foreign ministers ofthe five nations bordering the Caspian, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.
"We have worked very well, and advanced inseveral areas," the foreign minister said. "A few issues are left, and forthese, it is simply necessary tofind the right formulation ofthe principles agreed bythe presidents," he added.

Lavrov also noted that the Russian, Kazakh and Azerbaijani sides had already come toan agreement. "We think that it is absolutely realistic toplan onsigning the convention in2017," he emphasized.

The issue ofthe definition ofthe Caspian's status emerged afterthe collapse ofthe Soviet Union, when the creation ofnew subjects ofinternational law, (Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan), raised questions aboutthe demarcation ofthe body ofwater.

Still, outstanding issues remain. Commenting onWednesday's meeting, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ibrahim Rahimpour noted that abouthalf a dozen issues remain which must be addressed throughfurther negotiations.

Speaking toSputnik Persian, Ahmad Rashidinejad, an expert ongeopolitical issues atthe University ofKhorramabad, suggested that an agreement was entirely feasible, and requires only that the countries keep mindful oftheir other common interests, inthe region and outsideof it.

"I think that right now, talk ofconcessions is not quite appropriate, because the issues that are being touched uponhave geopolitical and geographical aspects," the expert noted. "The important thing is tokeep inmind that the people ofall the countries bordering the Caspian are extremely sensitive tosuch issues."
"Therefore," Rashidinejad suggested, "to say that the solution tothe legal status ofthe Caspian must be built onthe basis ofmutual concessions is not quite accurate." Instead, what the heads ofthe Caspian Five must work onis "how tobring their positions asclose together aspossible, tohave common interests and address common threats, toaddress security issues."

"For example, if we are talking aboutrelations betweenRussia and Iran, we must consider the common interests ofRussia and Iran. For Russia, the issue ofa potential conflict withthe West is an acute one. We see how atevery step, NATO is getting closer and closer toRussia's borders."

In turn, the analyst suggested, "Iran, asRussia's southern neighbor inthe Caspian Sea, and a regional power inits own right, can be seen byMoscow asa kind of 'security shield'" onits southern border.
And Iran and Russia have other common interests aswell, according toRashidinejad, including support forthe policy ofnon-intervention byforeign powers inthe region. "The US, European countries, Turkey and Israel, bycontrast, are trying tointerfere inthe internal policy ofsome countries inthe Caspian."

Naturally, Russia and Iran also have a common interest infighting terrorism, the expert recalled. "This is evidenced byour countries' close cooperation inthe fight againstterrorism inSyria."
Ultimately, Rashidinejad suggested, "the interests ofIran and Russia onresolving the legal status ofthe Caspian Sea coincide, sincethe countries face common threats and challenges inthe region. Therefore, they come together here asallies, not asrivals."

By Sputnik News

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