19 Oct 2024
Sunday 13 September 2015 - 11:43
Story Code : 180121

Signs of Syria-Egypt convergence

Alwaght- Disclosure of the real nature of the subversive and terrorist groups in addition to revelation of the foreign powers' plans for the West Asia region, and erosion of the traditional political alliances have pushed the regions countries to review their political ties, considering establishment of relations with the countries greatly significant in their national stability and security.


Two countries which could be given as examples are Syria and Egypt which are in a process recalibrate their political ties, a review process owing much to diligent efforts of Iran and Russia that support Syrian nations resistance in the face of terrorism.


Signs of Syria-Egypts proximity

In his recent remarks, Nabil Elaraby, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, has announced his readiness to talk to the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem any time, a clue clearly showcasing that there is a political convergence between Syria and Egypt, especially that Nabil Elaraby is an Egyptian diplomat and it is unlikely to make his remarks without coordination with the Egyptian officials. Earlier, the Arab Leagues Chief had said that Syria is a member of the Arab League, and its membership is not revoked, but only its participation in the meeting has been suspended. Elaraby also talked about Egypt's will as well as some of other Arab countries to restore ties with Syria, adding that this set of countries share with Syria the same view over the vandalistic and terrorist groups.


Moreover, an Egyptian media delegation recently arrived in Syrian capital Damascus, aiming to witness closely the situation in Syria and make a realistic report of Syrias circumstances and its resistance and fighting against the acts of destruction which are the result of existence of the foreign-backed terrorist groups, has received a warm reception from Syrian Foreign Minister. Meeting with the members of the delegation, the Foreign Minister has called for a build-up in security coordination and cooperation between Egypt and Syria to confront the risks of the takfiri and terrorist groups. Besides, some sources suggest that Egypt intends to send a special envoy to Syria assigned with arranging for a broader collaboration between two countries in an attempt to deal with the terrorist groups which are threatening both countries, a challenge that calls on both countries to boost their interaction.

In his recent speech the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad emphasized the need to face the devastating ideology and thought the extremist and terrorist groups follow, adding that supporting these groups is essentially considered a facilitation of the Western colonizing countries plans, as it worsens the conditions in the region. Moreover, he said that Syria is standing beside the Egyptian people and army, fighting against terrorism. The Syrian president said that even in the time of the ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and despite all of his disrespects for the Syrian people and government, Syria had a keen intention to establish close and friendly ties with Egypt. Highlighting the fact that Syria-Egypt diplomatic relations are not cut off, al-Assad pointed to the deep and rich Egyptian history, asking for more influential role of Egypt , as he demanded Egypt to help all of Arab countries with their challenges.


Motives for Syria-Egypt close links

The Egyptian leaders seek to develop and improve ties with some countries like Syria to present Cairo as an influential country in the region, an objective that became increasingly significant after the spark of the Islamic Awaking in 2011, a series of events swept over some Arab countries, causing collapse of the conventional political alliances.

Actually, the current Egypts leaders seek improvement of ties with Syria, an aim which makes them approach to Russia, a key player and influential country internationally that enjoys the veto power. Egypt counts on Russian impact to help Cairo fulfill its political interests in the West Asia.

Syria and its ally, Russia, just unlike other countries have not intervened in the Egyptian internal affairs especially in the case of tough court rulings against the former president Mohamed Morsi and other Muslim Brotherhoods leaders, an issue highly pleasant for Egypt, driving the Egyptian officials to consider these two countries standings as cohesive towards Cairo.

On the other hand Egypts ties with the US have experienced a decline since the Egyptian uprising in 2011. Clear evidence is marked by the US officials halting of a large amount of their military aids to Egypt, as the US called off its scheduled military exercises with Egypt, titled the Bright Star that caused Egyptian distrust in the US, pushing Egypt to seek new allegiances with new partners. Growth of ties with Syria and consequently with Russia helps Cairo strengthen and practice its political options as well as press for its strategies across the region. This new pathway is taken while in the past the Egyptian military performance and planning have relied largely on the use of Western military equipments, specifically American weapons.

Having a shared view regarding the extremist and terrorist groups, Egypt and Syria are now convinced that they should take action seriously to deter the increasing presence of the these group, while Sinai region, north of Egypt, sees daily terrorist and bomb attacks that targets the Egyptian people and army.

The Egyptian officials are determined to counter terrorism which is threatening their country, being aware that if they fail to do so, the terrorist groups would step up their attacks. Indeed, Egyptian officials' will to eliminate any terrorist group and radical movement, pushes them to get closer to Syria, which now has great experience fighting terrorist groups.

Sharing the same attitude on the terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, Cairo and Damascus have a close position concerning the countries advocating Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement banned in Egypt after removal of the former president Mohamed Morsi.

By Al Waght
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