19 Oct 2024
Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif did not take kindly to Sen. Tom Cotton's (R-Arkansas) aggressive tweets challenging him to a debate.

On Thursday, Zarif wrote on Twitter that Cotton had attacked him with "macho personal smear." The Iranian official also suggested Cotton should be concerned about the "peace" of his son Gabriel,who was born Monday night:


Javad Zarif?@JZarif

Serious diplomacy, not macho personal smear, is what we need. Congrats on Ur new born. May U and Ur family enjoy him in peace .@SenTomCotton

3:09 PM - 30 Apr 2015

This particular back-and-forth started witha question submitted from Business Insiderthe day before.

Asked about negotiations with President Barack Obama's successor, Zarif warned that there would be "chaos" if the next president tried to undo an executive agreement with Iran that rolls back sanctions in exchange for Tehran curbing its nuclear program.

Zarif added in a shot at Cotton, who wasthe lead signatoryon a high-profile open letter to Iran's leadership. The letter informed them that Obama's successor could easily reverse any nuclear agreement not approved by Congress.

"You know that, maybe Sen. Cotton doesn't, but you know that 90% of US overseas agreements are executive agreements," Zarif said.

Cotton responded by firing off a series of tweets challenging Zarif to a constitutional debate:

Tom Cotton?@SenTomCotton

Hey @JZarif, I hear you called me out today. If youre so confident, lets debate the Constitution. 1/4

1:37 AM - 30 Apr 2015

Tom Cotton?@SenTomCotton

Heres offer: meet in DC, @JZarif, time of your choosing to debate Irans record of tyranny, treachery, & terror. 2/4

1:38 AM - 30 Apr 2015

Tom Cotton

I understand if you decline @JZarif after all, in your 20s, you hid in US during Iran-Iraq war while peasants & kids were marched to die 3/4

1:39 AM - 30 Apr 2015

Tom Cotton?@SenTomCotton

Not badge of courage @JZarif, to hide in US while your country fought war to survive-but shows cowardly character still on display today 4/4

1:41 AM - 30 Apr 2015

This was not the first time Cotton and Zarif have battled over Twitter. Zarif, a US-educated and media-savvy official, previously shot barbs at Cotton's Farsi translation of his open letter.

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