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Russia nominates Putin for Nobel Peace Prize

2 Oct 2013 - 14:37

A group of Russian activists and political scientists have indicated that they are officially proposing President Vladimir Putin’s nomination to get the Nobel Peace Prize for his moves to resolve the Syrian crisis.
One of the main sponsors of the move, State Duma MP Iosif Kobzon, told reporters that in his view Putin deserved the prize much more than the 2009 laureate, U.S. President Barack Obama.

“Barack Obama is the man who has initiated and approved the United States’ aggressive actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, now he is preparing for an invasion into Syria. He bears this title nevertheless. Our president, who tries to stop the bloodshed and who tries to help the conflict situation with political dialogue, is in my view more worthy of this high title,” the Interfax news agency quoted Kobzon as saying.

Another supporter of Putin’s candidacy, Vice-President of the International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation Beslan Kobakhiya also stressed Putin’s role in the attempts to settle the Syrian crisis, adding that the Russian president was proving his loyalty to the peace cause by personal example and action, Russia Today reported.

The head of the International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation, Georgy Trapeznikov, noted that the move to propose Putin for the world’s highest peacekeeping award was also prompted by the fact that the Russian President had played a key role in peacekeeping processes in many regions inside the Russian Federation.

The official letter containing the request was sent to the Nobel Prize Committee on September 16 and was received by this body on September 20, Trapeznikov reported.

Putin has already been proposed for the Nobel Peace Prize by the president of the All-Russian Education Fund, Sergey Komkov, who also wrote in his letter to the Nobel Committee that the Russian leader “was applying maximum effort for maintaining peace, not only on the territory of his own country, but he also actively supports the peaceful settlement of all conflicts on the planet.”

The Nobel Peace Prize, awarded by a special committee in accordance with the wishes of Swedish inventor and industrial magnate, Alfred Nobel, is given annually to persons or organizations for the most notable input into the unity of nations, reduction of armies and assistance rendered to peace processes.

By Tehran Times


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Story Code: 54591

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