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Islamic Awakening Assembly condemns normalization of ties with Israel

16 Sep 2020 - 18:37

Tasnim – The Supreme Council of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening condemned the UAE and Bahrain’s move to establish ties with the Zionist regime, calling on all Islamic nations and governments to support the cause of Palestine until ultimate victory against Israel.

The 13th session of the Supreme Council of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening was held as an extraordinary meeting via videoconference at the central office of Tasnim News Agency in Tehran on Wednesday.

The webinar, attended by more than 50 experts from various Islamic nations, was held as an extraordinary meeting to discuss the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain’s recent decision to normalize ties with the Zionist regime of Israel.

The final statement of the online meeting has condemned the US-initiated deal of the century and the plans for normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, calling on all Muslim, freedom- and justice-seeking people, groups, parties, currents and governments in the world to provide full support for the cause of Palestine and help the oppressed Palestinian people until ultimate victory against the usurping, cruel and child-murdering Zionist regime.

The governments of Abu Dhabi and Manama have agreed to normalize ties with Israel as part of a diplomatic push by US President Donald Trump.

The following is the full text of the final statement:

In the Name of God

Final Statement of the 13th Consultative Meeting of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Awakening Assembly;

With the help of God Almighty and simultaneously with the days of mourning of Head and fellow martyrs, the 13th session of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Awakening Assembly was attended by more than 50 scholars, jurists, thinkers, elites and intellectuals of the Islamic world at the invitation of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening. It was held on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, coinciding with the 27th of Muharram, 1442 AH, which was held in a virtual and webinar.

The scholars and intellectuals that were present in this webinar, while expressing satisfaction with the success of the regional resistance front, considering the time and situation in which was the seriousness and crucial issues for the advancement of the Islamic world, emphasized the following points:

1. Palestine is the number one issue of the Islamic world. The Palestinian movements have made great efforts over the past 70 years by adopting negotiation and resistance approaches to realize their rights and determine the fate and independence of Palestine. In the approach of long negotiations, no tangible achievement has been achieved for the oppressed Palestinian people, except for the neglect, concessions, burning opportunities and development of settlements and the comprehensive support of the global arrogance for the occupying regime in Jerusalem.

But in recent decades, and in the approach of resistance, relying on the enlightened rules of the Qur'an especially in the verse [Therefore stand firm (in the straight Path) as thou art commanded,- thou and those who with thee turn (unto Allah.; and transgress not (from the Path): for He seeth well all that ye do (Hood: 11)] we have witnessed profound changes in the political, security and military stages and the oppressed nation of Palestine against oppression.

Displacement, forced migration, house demolition, destruction, killing, etc. In which they have no choice

but to fight rationally as the only way and the best method of resistance.

2. Unfortunately, in recent weeks, we have witnessed the normalization and revelation of the deplorable relations between the reactionary Arab states of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and the fictitious Zionist regime.

The heinous and power hungry America, with the coordination and pressure of international Zionism and the cooperation of some Arab sheikhs, seeks to implement the treacherous deal of the century.

Recognition of the transfer of the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, acceptance of the Golan Heights as part of Zionist territory by the United States Internationalization in Bahrain and Europe, and ultimately the normalization of relations between reactionary rulers, is part of the implementation of the Plan for the Deal of the Century.

The 13th Assembly of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Awakening Assembly, while condemning the deal of the century and the normalization of relations between the states affiliated with the usurping Zionist regime, calls on all peoples, groups, parties, Islamic governments, libertarians and justice seekers to fully support, from the Palestinian cause to the complete victory over the eradication of the usurper, oppressive, 3 child-killing Zionist regime, and rush to the aid of the oppressed people of Palestine.

3. Passivity and hypocrisy of some mercenary rulers in normalizing relations with cancer, usurper Israel, will only result in nothing but humiliation and disgrace among the freedom-seekers and awakening nations of the region, and the collapse and annihilation of the rulers who have tied their destiny to the spider web of the Zionist regime like their tyrannical ancestors.

On the other hand, the only way to escape and save is to resist and respond to the bullying of the Zionist regime, which is given with perseverance and reliance on the fulfillment of God's promise and unseen help, which was written the holy verse [and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; Hajj: 40] victory and Triumph are promised to those who prevail, If God Will in the near future, we will witness the liberation of Holy Quds and its return to its original owners and the complete eradication of its brutal regime and the tyrant occupying Quds.

4. Certainly, the reliance of Muslim countries on the discourse of resistance and spiritual capacities that are derived from the immutable promises and traditions of God have turned threats into strategic opportunities for the Islamic world and by promoting the Islamic Awakening movement with the spirit of self-confidence, dignity and The honor of Muslims has set a new model of struggle for the advancement of other nations.

5. Insolence in the presence of the Great and Holy prophets and The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is part of the Islamophobia project and a corner of the cultural, 4 religious and religious terrorism of international Zionism, which is being implemented by the enemies of Islam in recent weeks.

Therefore, it is obligatory on all Muslims and freedomseekers of the world, especially the scholars and thinkers of the Islamic world, to condemn such a movement with unity, cohesion and enlightenment, religious insight and with a smart and coordinated movement from the highest official levels to the strata of Islamic societies.

And to take a clear and bold stance against these sinister people, So that we will not give the enemy any opportunities to have more power, the same power that were given to the hearts of billions of the arrogant and freedom-loving people around the world.

6. The nations of the region have potential and unique capabilities such as the geostrategic position of Islamic countries, underground resources, motivated, brave, creative and future-making youth, fields of science and thought production, infrastructure and distinct cultural position and the possibility of establishing a strategic link between the components of the Islamic world against the oppressors in which the exploitation of this movement will lead to the rule of the oppressed Muslim nations over their destiny.

7. Now that the sworn enemies of Islam have used all their power and capacities in the perversion and exploitation of the nations of the region and are ostensibly in their wrongdoing, it is clear to all Muslims and freedom-seekers of the world by using all the above-mentioned capacities and presenting clear positions, they should carry out their plans and actions against the 5 scandal of the enemies and their puppets and prevent the breaking of the ugliness of normalization of relations with the usurping Zionist regime.

And reduce all its efforts in cases such as severing all overt and covert relations with the Zionist enemy, boycotting the goods, products and artifacts of American-Zionist companies and institutions, severing and limiting cultural, social and political relations with treacherous reactionary states.

And lessen the implementation for the level of formal and informal relations, the ban on communication with the citizens of the Zionist regime, the treacherous marches and anti-compromise demonstrations.

At the end of the webinar, the participants thanked for the plan to hold such meetings in cyberspace, praising the noble, deep ideas and support of Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the unity of Muslims and continuing the line of support for the oppressed world in which they appreciates and thanks for the efforts of the Secretary General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening, authorities, elites, thinkers and intellectuals of the Islamic Awakening.

Story Code: 383721

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