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Iran to open branch of Medical Sciences Univ. in Iraq

23 Feb 2015 - 10:29

[caption id="attachment_152434" align="alignright" width="149"]Iran's Health Minister Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi Iran's Health Minister Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi[/caption]

TEHRAN, Feb. 23 (MNA) – During a meeting with Iraq’s Minister of Education and attended by various Iranian top universities, Iran’s Minister of Health announced University of Medical Sciences will open a branch in Iraq.

Seyed Hassan Hashemi maintained various good deals have been struck in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical facilities, investment in the construction of hospitals and health tourism during the meetings with Iraqi Minister of Health. He also expressed hope Iranian pharmaceutical industry and medical facilities factories would be established in Iraq in the near future.

“Currently we have 5200 research centers and 120 specialized communities in Iran that can participate in holding joint conferences and specialized courses such as heart, liver, intestines, and eyes transplantation as well as fellowship courses,” he said.

Hashemi also noted Iran was prepared to admit some 2000 Iraqi students in three forms of government scholarships, private scholarships and scholarships from Iraq’s Ministry of Science.

“Iran is currently home to 91 medical universities and each year many applicants do not get the chance to be admitted. However, this issue could be easily tackled by establishing in Iraq other branches of top Iranian universities such as Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti and Shiraz,” he said.

According to the report, the meeting was attended by heads of medical sciences universities of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, Shiraz, Ahvaz, Mashahd and Hamedan. During the meeting, it was decided that a joint committee comprising heads of both countries’ medical sciences universities be formed to study the process of establishing a university in Iraq as well as other bilateral cooperation within a span of three months.

By Mehr News Agency

Story Code: 152433

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