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Is creation of a Greater Kurdistan, US’s main plot for the region?

15 Jun 2016 - 14:58

Tehran, June 16, The Iran project – The idea of a Greater Kurdistan has long been discussed among Kurds and the regional countries. On the one hand, Kurds have always referred to it as their primary goal, and regional countries, on the other hand, have constantly insisted that they are opposed to the idea. It seems that the field is provided for the realization of creating an independent nation state now more than ever.

Kurds are an old ethnic group that even rooted in the Iranian mythology and now are scattered in the West Asia. They are populated in south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Syria, northern Iraq, and north-western Iran.

Kurds have always dreaamed of a Greater Kurdistan, that is, an independent Kurdish state uniting the Kurds of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran but as it would need to be carved out of four sovereign countries, the idea has always been opposed.

Greater Kurdistan and the Israel’s model

Some analysts’ depiction of a Great Kurdistan resembles Israel in the Palestinian region that was created by invading the countries of Jordan, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt while from the beginning it has engaged in conflicts against neighboring countries and the population of occupied territories.

A few months ago, Israel’s Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer stated that Tel Aviv supports the aspirations of the Kurds for independence, comparing their struggle to that of the Israelis.

Kurdistan’s condition is the same or even worse than the Israel’s. Since Kurds have considered the idea of a Greater Kurdistan, the governments of Iraq and Turkey suppressed them tougher than before. Iraq, under former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein brutally suppressed Kurds; they even used chemical weapons to attack the people. Turkey has long been embroiled in a conflict with Kurdish forces within its own borders, and since the collapse of a two-year ceasefire between the Turkish government and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) last July, violent clashes between the two groups have become common so it can be said the idea of a Greater Kurdistan is no way accepted by the regional countries.

US and Kurds, from love to hatred

In line with using various ethnic groups to achieve their interests, Americans have also used Kurds as much as possible.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized Washington over its active support of the Kurdish fighting force in Syria. He also said earlier that the United States is creating a “pool of blood” in the region by its support of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its military wing, People’s Protection Units (YPG).

Before the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, supported by the US, helped Iraqi Kurds but after the 1975 Algiers treaty, he suddenly drew support back of Kurds and paved the way for Saddam Hussein to suppress them.

In the first and second Gulf War, US almost supported Kurds but finally abandoned them and refrained to prevent their bloodshed by Saddam Hussein. Americans also pursued this strategy in Iran-Iraq war and did not react seriously to the chemical bombardment of Halabja.

After the regime change in Iraq, Kurds were once again considered by the US and the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) was formed since US had plotted to divide Iraq but ISIS attack to the region prevented them from achieving their goal and the idea of a Greater Kurdistan is apparently once again has been put on the agenda.

Why do Americans support Syrian Kurds?

ISIS's attack to Kurds has made them appear as an oppressed nation in the world’s public opinion. Iran also supported Kurds providing them with weapons and military advisors to defend the Iraqi Kurdish cities.

However, America has recently had a chance to implement the plot of Syria’s division. They try to capture the Syrian land for the Kurds by direct military support including the presence of military forces and strong air support.

America's largest air base in Syria is being established in the Kurds-controlled regions. Other countries also support Kurds overtly and covertly so that they can assign them an important role in the Syria’s future.

In conclusion, with regard to the history of America's support for various groups and the serious intention of the regional countries to confront with the creation of a new Israel, It does not seem that Kurds still manages to create an independent state, but in the current situation, the Kurds will have an important role in the future of Syria negotiations which, in fact, strongly depends on the battlefield.

Story Code: 218432

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